Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dictatorship takes over..

Dictatorship at its peak nw.latest addition is tht d supp forms cnt b submitted in univ.u hv to pay late fees n submit in clg even though d last date 4 submision in univ is aftr the last date given by clg.for e.g the last date 4 submision of supp forms 4 4th n 2nd sem is 29 may in univ bt d clg ppl hv startd colectng fines.wtz this parveen singh upto!evry move of d clg is against d students.parveen singh has startd a reign of terror n insecurity wich in d long run wud prove vry detrimental 4 d clg.v must stand up n speak 4 our rights.

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